Алтайский край, г.Новоалтайск, ул.Прудская 9 +7(38532) 2-21-50 +7(38532) 5-96-13 nlpo@22edu.ru ВЕРСИЯ ДЛЯ СЛАБОВИДЯЩИХ

A festival of foreign languages

A festival of foreign languages

Knowledge of a foreign language gives a person the opportunity to keep up with the times. You can watch movies in the original, listen and sing foreign songs. By learning to speak and understand a foreign language, you will be able to make friends living in other countries. Communication with foreigners is very useful in the sense that you expand your cultural boundaries, and knowledge of the culture of another country leads to a decrease in disagreements and conflicts between people. So, now you know how important in our life to learn foreign languages.

An English teacher Rogozina Irina